Kitty O'Neil Biography

kitty o'neil Biography

Kitty O'Neil was an American stuntwoman and racing driver who made a name for herself in the entertainment industry during the 1970s and 1980s. She was born on March 24, 1946, in Corpus Christi, Texas, and was deaf from birth due to a case of measles. Despite her disability, O'Neil went on to become one of the most accomplished and revered stuntwomen of her time, breaking numerous records and paving the way for women in the industry.

O'Neil's interest in speed and adrenaline began at an early age. As a child, she loved to ride horses and was a competitive swimmer. She also became an accomplished diver, winning several medals and breaking records in the sport. Her love for speed and adventure eventually led her to pursue a career in stunt work.

O'Neil got her start in the industry working on television shows like "The Bionic Woman" and "Wonder Woman," where she performed stunts like high falls, car chases, and fights. She quickly became known for her fearlessness and willingness to take on challenging stunts, earning the respect of her peers in the industry.

In 1976, O'Neil made history by becoming the first woman to drive a rocket-powered car, the "SMI Motivator," which was designed to break the land speed record. She piloted the car to a top speed of 512 mph, setting a new women's land speed record in the process. She also became the first woman to exceed 500 mph on land.

O'Neil's record-breaking accomplishments didn't stop there. In 1979, she set another record by performing the longest and highest fall by a woman in movie history, jumping 127 feet from a hotel in "The Blues Brothers." She also doubled for actress Lynda Carter in the iconic spinning transformation scenes on the hit TV series "Wonder Woman."

In addition to her work in stunts, O'Neil was also an accomplished racing driver. She competed in the American Hot Rod Association's Top Fuel drag racing series, driving a car that was specially modified to accommodate her deafness. She won several races and even set a national record for her class.

Despite her many achievements, O'Neil faced many challenges as a woman in a male-dominated industry. She often had to work harder than her male counterparts to prove herself, and she faced discrimination and harassment from some of her colleagues. But she refused to let these obstacles hold her back and continued to push herself to new heights.

Sadly, O'Neil's career was cut short in 1982 when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She retired from stunt work and racing and focused on raising awareness and funds for research into the disease. She also became an advocate for people with disabilities, working to promote equal opportunities and access for all.

Kitty O'Neil passed away on November 2, 2018, at the age of 72. She left behind a legacy of courage, determination, and trailblazing accomplishments that continue to inspire generations of women in the entertainment and sports industries.


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